How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts

You can buy broccoli sprouts, but if you are fighting cancer, you are going to want to have them constantly in your fridge to eat and that can be expensive and inconvenient.

Broccoli sprouts contain 100-400 times the content of sulforaphane, an anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agent, compared to other cruciferous vegetables.

The thing with sulforaphane is, you must chew the vegetable as much as possible to release it. The more you chew, the more sulforaphane you release into your body.

This is why broccoli spouts are more efficient to use for sulforaphane intake. Containing the highest content of sulforaphane than other cruciferous vegetables, it is easiest to get into your body rather than eating loads of cruciferous vegetables all day long.

If you keep broccoli sprouts growing consistently, you will be able to keep sulforaphane in your system to fight cancer daily.


2 – 1 quart bottles

2 mesh sprouting lids

1 bag broccoli spouting seeds




1. Put 2 tablespoons of broccoli sprout seeds in a quart jar.

2. Put sprouting mesh lid on the quart bottle.

3. Rinse the seeds and pour the water out of the mesh lid.

4. Fill the jar half way with water.

5. Place the jar in a cupboard so it is exposed to no light. Let it soak for 8 hours.

6. Rinse the seeds and place the jar upside down in a bowl to catch any additional water that may leak out. Place back in the cupboard overnight.

7. Rinse the sprouts twice a day for 5 to 6 days.

8. Continue to rinse and put back in the cupboard. This is what it should look like around day 3.

9. When the leaves start sprouting around day 5, you can rinse them for the final day and leave them out on the counter so the light will turn the leaves green.

10. Let the sprouts dry out a little before storing them in the fridge. Gauge how much you will eat then store the rest in the freezer.

11. If you don’t like the taste of these, you can get the same benefits of chewing them by freezing them and blend them with a little bit of water. Then add more ingredients to make a smoothie. You do need to drink it immediately to get the sulforaphane benefits.

12. I use 2 bottles so I can continuously rotate sprouts. Around day 3, I will start a new batch. I recommend this if you are eating a couple of tablespoons of sprouts 3 times a day. You will go through them fast.

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How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts

Prep Time5 mins
Growing Time6 d
Total Time6 d 5 mins


  • 2 1 quart glass bottles
  • 2 mesh sprouting lids
  • 1 bowl


  • 1 bag Broccoli Seeds
  • 2 cups Water


  • Put 2 tablespoons of broccoli sprout seeds in a quart jar.
  • Put sprouting mesh lid on the quart bottle.
  • Rinse seeds. Fill jar 1/2 way with water. Soak 8 hours in dark cupboard.
  • Rinse the seeds and place the jar upside down in a bowl to catch any additional water that may leak out. Place back in the cupboard overnight.
  • Rinse the sprouts twice a day for 5 to 6 days keeping sprouts in cupboard.
  • When leaves appear, set out on counter and let sprouts dry before storing them in the freezer or fridge.


If you don’t like the taste of these, you can get the same benefits of chewing them by freezing them and blend them with a little bit of water. Then add more ingredients to make a smoothie. You do need to drink it immediately to get the sulforaphane benefits.
I use 2 bottles so I can continuously rotate sprouts. Around day 3, I will start a new batch. I recommend this if you are eating a couple of tablespoons of sprouts 3 times a day. You will go through them fast.

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2 thoughts on “How to Grow Broccoli Sprouts

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