When Dr. Bradley Nelson did a Body Code Session on me and the first thing he found as an underlying cause for the breast cancer was root canals, I scheduled a consultation with a local oral surgeon I knew I could trust to clean out cavitations below the root canal.
I went in for that consultation today to find out what needed to be done and how much it would cost to get my root canals pulled, and they had time to do it right then! I took that as a sign that I needed to get these removed right now and went for it. I made the oral surgeon promise to clean all the cavitations out and do a really thorough job.
He agreed and said that he absolutely does that, even has a special tool that cleans under the root canal once it’s pulled. He even explained that if he left even just a little bit of the cavitation, how bad that can infect the jaw and other parts of the face and body. I felt reassured enough to move forward. I can’t believe how quick he was. He had his whole team assist. 2 oral surgeons, and 3 assistants. They had all 3 pulled in 15 minutes!

If you don’t understand how detrimental root canals are to your body, find and watch the documentary, “Root Cause.” It is very enlightening.
Here’s a really cool interactive tooth meridian chart. It tells you what tooth affects which part of the body.