Anxiety Waiting for the Results

woman feeding girlfriend with fried seafood in garden

Two days has gone by and I haven’t heard a thing from the doctor. It’s been the longest two days of my life. The biopsy doctor said I should be hearing from my OB/GYN doctor with the results today, so I was hoping that call would come in sooner rather than later.

My friend had called and asked if I wanted to go to lunch. I was more than happy to go out and get my mind off all of this, and actually talk to someone about it, although I debated telling anyone at this point anything. I am on day 30 of eating fresh, whole foods, but figured I could find a restaurant that has healthy enough food. So we went to lunch and I told her what has been going on the last month. It was so nice to get out and get this off of my chest.

Herbals for Cancer Prevention

She is a walking book of herbal and homeopathic knowledge. After lunch, she insisted we go to Natural Grocers where she loaded my cart up with every food and supplements known to prevent the spread of cancer and kill cancer cells. I was hesitant to buy all of it because I am still hoping the biopsy results come back benign, but I figured, there is no harm in eating well and taking supplements to prevent cancer! 

Cabbage Leaf for Inflammation

My right breast still hurt immensely from the biopsy, and had a huge lump, about 3 inches long, even though I’ve iced it like they told me to. My friend put a head of cabbage in my cart and she told me to put a leaf on my breast for the inflammation caused by the biopsy and it would take the swelling down. I thought that was so weird, but I went home and immediately put it on! My husband liked the ‘Adam and Eve’ thing I had going on. We both had a good laugh about it. 

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