Telling My Sisters

I’ve been thinking about the best way to tell my sisters and came up with getting them together and inviting them over for coffee morning and let them know. I’ve been procrastinating it because, it’s hard.

I have a highly intuitive sister and last night, while watching a movie, she messaged me, “We haven’t had coffee morning in a while. Are you free tomorrow morning or Sunday?” I was laughing so hard and told her after the movie I was going to send a text to both her and my other sister who lives in town and invite them over.

They came over this morning and we had such a great positive talk. I reassured them that I’ve got this and it’s no big deal. My intuitive sister said that this is something I had to go through so I could help others. She wasn’t worried at all.

It was the most fun I’ve had with my sisters in a long time. I told them my OB/GYN ordered a genetic test, and after I received the results I’d let them know. If it is positive, they may want to get mammograms more frequently and definitely be doing self breast exams all the time. The great thing about the genetic testing is, if I do test positive, the testing center will test all of my sisters for free to see if they have the gene as well.

After they left, I took a nap. I’ve been pretty tired since starting the ozone treatments. They just wipe me out! Probably because I’m so toxic.

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