Started My 2nd Fast


I started fasting at 3pm today. I want to go as long as I can this time. I felt that was the quickest way to diminish the cancer cells was to completely starve them. Then I did my 2nd ozone treatment, I noticed cramping in my right side: neck, shoulder, back and forearm. I read that if you experience pain after an ozone treatment, the ozone is destroying the cancer cells in your body.

I really wonder if the doctor didn’t spread it when they biopsied the lumps. If I did a PET scan right now, would I be in stage 4? It sure feels like it has spread throughout my entire right side, about a day or two after the biopsy. I feel different in my ear, can’t hear as well. I feel congestion in my neck, stiffness in my shoulder, pins and needles all the way down my right arm, stiffness and swelling in my right hand and fingers and pain in my hip.

A dove came and perched on my deck railing so I looked up the spirit animal message. “You are receiving true divine guidance through your feelings and intuition. Trust it.” I really feel like I am on the right track!

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