Ridiculous Healthcare System

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To reiterate how ridiculous the health care system is, seven days had gone by I had not heard from the imaging office to schedule my mammogram. I was told by my OB/GYN that she would put the order in and the imaging office will call me. I am supposed to wait for them to contact me, but seven days is getting a bit ridiculous. 

I decided to take matters into my own hands and I went online and found the imaging office’s number and called them. They told me they have not received the order from my doctors office yet! I had to call my doctors office and tell them send over the diagnostic mammogram order. It was another day before I could even try to get scheduled. Another day had passed and I still hadn’t heard from them. So I called once again and they did have the order, but no one had bothered to contacted me. The soonest they could get me in was August 10, two weeks from now. At this point, I was thinking to myself, ‘No wonder people die of cancer. The system is so messed up, you can’t even get in for a screening for a month!’ 

That may sound morbid, but how many women have stage 4 cancer at this point and have to go a month before even getting a screening? Most people don’t have the knowledge or tools to start treating cancer naturally before they find out if they have it or not. What happens to them when they have to wait this long just to find out if they do or don’t? Something’s gotta change. This isn’t right.

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