Nutrient Rich Green Smoothies

photo of assorted vegetables

I knew just cutting sugar, starches and dairy from my diet wouldn’t be enough to jump start my immune system. I also knew enough about non-organic and GMO foods to avoid produce that is not organic. I went to Natural Grocers and stocked up on cruciferous vegetables.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are rich in nutrients and fiber. There are many studies that show a high fiber diet, from fruits and vegetables, and especially cruciferous vegetables provide many anti-cancer benefits such as:

  • Keep blood vessels from feeding tumors
  • Inhibiting metastasis
  • Repairs DNA damage
  • Creates apoptosis, healthy cell death
  • Are antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory

The kicker is, you have to chew, chew chew these vegetables raw to get the properties out of them that give you the most benefits. Luckily, blending them will do this for you as long as you drink it immediately after!

Green Smoothies

I decided to pump my body full of nutrients, but I’m not much of a vegetable person, not much of a salad fan, especially without dressing. I figured the easiest way to do this would be to chug smoothies. I experimented with all sorts of vegetable smoothies to see if I can make them taste good. There’s no way to make them taste remotely good, especially going from eating not very nutritious straight to green smoothies.

So I just made them for breakfast and sometimes for lunch just to get as much nutrients in my body as possible, and as quick as possible. I couldn’t handle it for dinner, so I’d make steamed vegetables and a little bit of meat.

I’m going to do this daily, for as long as I can!

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