No Fear and Extreme Peace

A weird sense of well-being, calm, and peace overcame me today. All of a sudden, I had no fear. All my fear seems to be gone.

I make bad jokes as a way to cope with bad situations. I had thoughts throughout the past several weeks, ‘If I did this, or that, what is the worst thing that could happen, I’d die?’ Ha! Everyone dies at some point in life! So I think my fear is gone because the worst thing has happened to me and nothing worse is left.

Then I lost my fear of traveling and being around lots of strange people as I thought, ‘What are they going to do, kill me!’ I really had a good laugh at myself over this and I hope this sense of well-being and no fear lasts!

I’ve never been in a place of no fear before and, because I spent the day without fear, I didn’t realize how much fear I had, and how much I react to life out of fear. Even though I have this strong attitude that I’m going to beat this thing, I also came to grips with the fact that I might not. Either way, I felt extreme peace today.

This could also have been a result of all the release and energy work I’ve been doing. Finding and releasing fears, negative emotions, and making peace with past emotional baggage.

Near-Death Experience Brings Peace

It also helped that I had a spiritual experience a few years ago when I had a hysterectomy. During surgery, I went to another place. I was in, what I call, ‘the waiting room.’ I was a being of light and so was everyone else around me. I knew them all, but I couldn’t tell you who they were. I kept asking, ‘Where’s my mom?’ They just kept telling me, ‘she isn’t here and she won’t be coming. We are just here to support you during your surgery, but it isn’t your time yet.’

I always believed in an afterlife, and even felt I could talk to and see spirits around me, but this experience turned my belief into knowing. Having had this experience, has given me the peace that I need right now. Whatever happens, I will be okay.

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