Kinesiology to Test the Invasive Cancer

I really don’t have any other way to test if my cancer is gone or not, since I don’t trust the damaging scans that really only show lumps, so I’m trusting kinesiology until I can figure something else out.

I’ve been muscle testing weekly since I felt that the biopsy had spread the cancer cells throughout the right side of my body. This is what I ask about once a week:

  • Do I have any more cancer in my lymph nodes?
  • Do I have any more cancer in my right breast?
  • Do I have cancer in any other place in my body?

The answers to the above questions I’ve been consistently getting is ‘yes.’

I muscle tested this morning and asked if I have any more cancer in my lymphs surrounding my right breast. The answer I received was ‘no.’ I asked if I had any cancer in any other place in my body, the answer was ‘no.’ I asked if I still had breast cancer, the answer was ‘yes.’ I asked if it was contained in my mammary gland, and the answer was ‘yes.’  That’s progress!

Once all my answers are ‘no,’ and I believe I’m cancer free, I’ll go get a PET scan to be sure. Not happy about that, but I’m not sure of any other way to know for sure if it is truly gone. I can feel the 2.2cm lump, and it feels smaller than a month ago. I’m trying to keep track of the measurements, but that is difficult as well. It’s about the size of the tip of my index finger, which is about 2cm or less. 

With my new eating habits, and my new daily routine, I’ve never felt more healthy and have never had more energy in my life! I will remain on my self-care lifestyle, even after the cancer is gone as a dis-ease preventative and for overall health and feeling great every day!

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