Did you know that cancer cells can’t withstand infrared heat? When I learned about this, I did more research and found that, like black salve, infrared doesn’t affect the healthy cells, but will destroy the malignant cells.
Naturally, the body creates a fever to battle foreign things in the body such as virus’ and bacteria, so it makes sense to put far infrared heat on the tumor area to kill off cancer cells. Not only that, but the heat causes you to sweat out heavy metals and toxins in the area that is applied, relieving pain and muscle soreness.
There are all sorts of studies proving this. Just search ‘Infrared therapy for breast cancer’ and you’ll see some incredible studies. They will all say something to the affect of, in use with medical treatment, but I think it’s political and they have to say that to get their paper published. Saying anything about doing it naturally as an alternative treatment would be banned or censored, so keep in mind, you don’t have to do chemo and radiation with infrared. You can do infrared with all the other natural treatments I cover in this blog.
Far Infrared Heat Pad
I decided to try an infrared sauna in town. Wow, was this extremely difficult, but worth it! I sweated a ton, drank a lot of water and when I was done, my black salve was pulling out a lot less. Knowing I didn’t want to go to into the sauna every day, but I wanted to continue applying infrared to my breast and lymphs, I decided to try this far infrared heat pad.
It is amazing! Not only did it get really hot and had me sweating, it relieved my pain. I gauge new treatments I discover by how much my black salve pulls out. After doing this every day, it pulled less and less.
Not only is it good for killing cancer cells, it is amazing for muscle soreness, acne, stomach aches, back pain and more! My husband had pain from a kidney stone and I told him to put the heat pad around his midsection. It relieved his back and abdominal pain within minutes after it reached max heat. It will get up to 170 degrees. You think that would burn you, but it doesn’t.
My son decided to try to use it on his back acne. Since the infrared penetrates the skin about 3″ deep, it will activate those sweat glands to bring those toxins to the surface. That should start to clear up his back.

Liver Compress
This also works great when you are doing a liver compress to detox your liver. Simply put essential oil over your liver and gallbladder area, I like using Emerge Essential Oil from Butterfly Express. Then rub a high quality brand castor oil over that and cover with an organic cotton cloth. I like Home Health brand because they are inexpensive and organic. Place the heat pad over that, as hot as you can stand it. The idea is that this compress will activate the gallbladder and liver to release toxin build up and cleanse the body.
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