Looking for something to replace your morning coffee?
If you’re anything like me, I love my morning coffee, except I load it with toxic sweeteners and creamers.
I’ve experimented with some healthy, natural alternatives and came up with this drink that is actually quite good!
Dandelion Mocha Mint Tea
Chocolate or vanilla flavored Collagen
Mushroom powder
1. Fill a tea pot with 1 cup of filtered water.

2. Heat to boiling point.

3. Open the Dandelion tea bag and place in your favorite mug.

4. Cover and steep the tea for 5 minutes.
5. Squeeze the tea bag with a spoon, being careful not to break the bag.

6. Add 1 scoop of the collagen, and 1 teaspoon of the mushroom powder.
7. Using a frother, froth until smooth and there are no more powder lumps.

8. Let it cool a little and enjoy!
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