The past month or so, I kept noticing soreness in my right breast. I am 46 years old, so I attributed it to possible ovulation or even pre-menopausal symptoms.
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at 52 years old. She had passed away from breast cancer at 55. I had watched her suffer for three years doing the chemo, radiation and surgery process. I was 17.
She waited a while to tell us kids that she had cancer, which I was extremely upset about. I thought she had taken away precious time from us by not telling us. I since then have done some forgiveness work and logically, I know she did what she believed was best; protecting her children. I swore to myself that I would never do that to my children that they would be with me every step of the way. I also swore to myself that I would never under any circumstances do the death sentence cocktail of chemo radiation and surgery.
Immediate Action
I conducted self-exams regularly and today, found a lump on my right breast.
As soon as I found the lump, I told my husband and my children, and I told them what the steps are and it’s probably nothing and not to worry, but I wanted them to be informed. My daughter, who is 26, jumped right into action and help me put together a strict eating plan.
I got off the sugar and simple carbs immediately. I’ve kept up with the latest studies and research on breast cancer in case me or any of my sisters got it, so I could help us naturally. I knew cancer cells feed on sugar. My diet from this day forward until I find out for sure will be lots of vegetables, fruit, and some meat. No more sugar, processed foods, grains, or breads.

Messed Up Medical System
I called IHC, our local hospital, to schedule a mammogram screening. This is when I began discovering how messed up our medical system is. They told me that I had to call my OB/GYN and make an appointment and the doctor has to order the mammogram before I could come in. I told them that I had found a lump, but they said that it didn’t matter. I still had to go through my doctor and get an order from them before I can come in and get a screening.
So I called the women’s clinic I go to and tried to schedule an appointment. They did not have anything available until October, 3 months from now! They did have availability with someone new the last week of September, and because of my mom, I was not going to take any chances. So I booked that appointment. I told them to put me on the waitlist in case of any cancellations with my regular doctor. When a woman finds a lump, there should be NO messing around or waiting on that. They should allow you to go get a screening immediately instead of waiting to get a doctor’s order!