Distance Energy Healing

Healing across space and time

I first learned about distance healing when I took Reiki courses back in the early 2000’s. I found it fascinating that I could send a person healing energy across time and space and they would receive this energy and feel better almost immediately!

My very first experience with this is with my dad. He had moved 350 miles away and one day he called to visit and told me that his stomach had been hurting for a while and if there was anything he could take to make it feel better.

I told him about the Reiki course I was taking and that I could send him healing energy. Even though that sounded absurd to him at the time, he agreed since nothing the doctor prescribed was working so he told me to go for it. I kept him on the phone because I wanted to see if it worked instantly as I was learning in class.

As I sent the healing energy to his stomach and digestive system, he said, “Wow, what are you doing? I feel a warm sensation in my stomach.” I told him I had connected to his energy body and was sending Reiki and telling his body to use it where it is needed most for healing. He had a little relief right away, but it to my disappointment it wasn’t feeling fully better immediately. A few days later, my dad called and said, “What did you do?” and proceeded to tell me that his stomach pain was completely gone and finally felt better.

This proved to me that this type of healing doesn’t have to be done in person, that distance healing really does work. It was equally as affective at a distance as it was as if I was working on someone in person. This is because the energy body can be accessed from anywhere at anytime making it possible for me to work on my dad, 350 miles away, or a person across the world!

How does distance healing work?

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.

Albert Einstein

Once we realize that time and space are an illusion, and grasp the concept that everything is energy, and energy is frequency, we can begin to understand how distance healing works.

We are so fixed by the belief that time is linear and people need to be present to receive direct energy healing that we fail to see that ultimately, and technically, energy is not really ‘sent’ anywhere, but we use that word for lack of a better one. There are studies now on quantum physics and quantum entanglement theory that explains further how distance healing works, but for the sake of an extremely long post, we won’t go into that. You can use the links provided to learn more about those theories.

I believe energy healing works because of intention. When we manifest, or intend, for someone to feel better, that alone, in its simplicity, makes distance healing work. We are powerful beings, therefore our intention is strong and can be used to help heal ourselves and others.

Steps to perform distance healing energy

1. Think of the person

I don’t believe in connecting with a person or their energy body. I believe in simplicity. The simpler the better. I say this because I know a lot of people who have a whole 5 to 10 minute ritual before they perform a distance healing and I find it all works because of intention. With that said, I do tell clients that I ‘connect’ with them because it’s a easy way for them to understand the steps, but I do this by just thinking of the person I want to help. I visualize them laying in front of me as if they were here, physically on my healing table.

2. Visualize the energy

Some practitioners will say they have to rub their hands together to generate the energy, then build a conduit or connect to the person to ‘send’ the energy, then use all these symbols or other tools, etc. Again, this really does work simply with intention. I visualize a ball of pure healing energy forming in that person’s body, in the area they requested or need it the most. Sometimes I will tell their energy body to use the energy where their physical body needs it the most, because the energy body knows.

3. Perform other energy work

You can do all sort of energy work to help that person physically and emotionally. I like to find and release trapped emotions using Dr. Bradley Nelson’s The Emotion Code method. Then, if the person needs it, I like to use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to tap positive affirmations in, or re-program the mind from negative to positive thinking.

4. ‘Disconnect’ from the person when you are done

If you do connect energetically to someone, you will want to disconnect from them. This is why I don’t believe in connecting but just intention and visualizing. I’m an empath so if I connect to someone or someone connects to me, I feel what they are feeling, sometimes both emotional and physical discomfort and that’s just not fun.

If you don’t know if you did connect or not, I always just visualize unplugging a cord, like an electrical cord, from them that may be plugged into my solar plexus and then I plug it into the sun so they can enjoy the sun’s warmth and energy the rest of the day.

If you have more questions or want to know more about energy healing, join my Facebook group where we discuss all sorts of health and healing topics!

If you would like to try a distance healing session, visit my energy healing website or my Facebook page, Feel Good.

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