Breaking the News to My Dad

I posted our fun weekend getaway on my Facebook family group my husband and I took after the biopsy results. Shortly after, my dad sent me a text saying “I want what you are taking to get me off the couch and out to beautiful places like that.” I thought of replying, “You want cancer?” but I didn’t think that was a good way to tell him, but I still thought it was funny. See, I warned you, I make bad jokes to cope. I decided to go visit him and tell him in person. He was the first person I wanted to tell and maybe the most delicate because of my mom.

Dad’s Reaction

We got out the playing cards and started a game. We like to visit and play games so nothing unusually out of the ordinary for this visit. I waited for a good time to break the news and finally told him. I told him when he texted me that he wanted what I was taking to get out and about to beautiful places and what I was going to text him back. He thought it was funny too, but he would have though I was kidding. I told him the diagnosis and what the Oncologist said and that I would be doing this naturally. I could tell he was upset, what parent wouldn’t be hearing their child has cancer, but he handled it really well. I reassured him that I’ve done a lot of research on healing cancer naturally and that I’ve got this and I’m not going anywhere. We talked about it for a while, and about my mom’s diagnosis because I was so young, I never knew the actual diagnosis or the steps she took, so that was an interesting conversation.

Release Energy Work

I could tell this brought up a lot of emotions my dad experienced with my mom, so I did some release work on him as we talked. That seemed to help a lot because after I was done working on him, he seemed like he was okay with the news and he said, “If anyone can beat this, it’s you!”

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