Body Code Session With Dr. Bradley Nelson

I am so blessed to work for Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code and bless his heart, he did a session on me even though he is retired from doing sessions. I was so grateful.

Session Findings:

1. Dental toxin – root canals

This didn’t surprise me. I watched the documentary “Root Cause” a few years ago and knew I needed to get my root canals out. I actually removed one of them a year ago. It’s expensive and the implant is even more expensive, and the dentist visits with the numbing and yucky tasting stuff. I really hate the dentist. But now I can’t afford not to remove the rest.

I was also guided to the dental toxin from my root canals as I do the Emotion Code on myself, and knew I needed to get them out. Having that confirmation from Dr. Brad, I immediately made an appointment for a consultation to get it over with.

2. Energy – TE – Insecurity – age 18

This would absolutely be due to my mother going through her breast cancer. I’ve been doing Emotion Code sessions on myself since I found the lump and released a lot of anger toward her and abandonment. I thought I had resolved this many years ago. It is amazing what the body hangs on to.

3. Toxin – EMF – Radio – Wifi – put Wifi on a timer so at night it will turn off

I’ve also been guided to this one as well, but thought it was my cell phone. I loved the advise to turn the Wifi off at night. I now also put a white light of protection around me and my family to block out all EMF toxins from all the electronics in our home and cell towers, power lines, and other dirty energy around town that may affect our health when we go out.

4. Circuits & Systems – energy body – meridian – main – right side – heart meridian – energies – TE – Worthless – age 19

Again, makes a lot of sense that I would be hanging onto this trapped emotion in my right breast from age 19, watching my mother suffering through cancer treatments and feeling miserable and I couldn’t do anything about it.

Hopefully now with these few things released, and the physical issues soon to be taken care of, I can begin healing and beat this!

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