Blood Tests Ordered and Done!

The big run-around with the medical system – again.

Since the black salve began pulling less and less, I felt it was time to figure out a safe, inexpensive, accurate test that I could trust to tell me if I still have cancer or if it was gone.

My wonderful brother told his retired doctor friend about my situation and he gave the most blessed answer! He told him exactly what blood tests I should get ordered and how to interpret the results so I can tell if my body’s got this or if I need to work harder to get it gone.

Call to Labs and Radiology

I knew better, but it never hurts to ask. I called the blood work labs and the radiology offices in town just to see if there were any that would do the tests and scans on me without a doctor’s order. I received the exact answer I was expecting, a big hard NO.

Call to the Oncologist

So at the beginning of the month, I called the Oncologist office and asked for this blood test and an MRI. I had to call several times because no one called me back or the person that answered didn’t know anything about if the doctor ordered it or not.

I finally received a call back and they basically told me if I wasn’t going to do their treatment and get a PET scan, then they couldn’t help me. They wouldn’t order the blood test, or the MRI. I wasn’t surprised. It’s extremely disappointing that you have to do their damaging treatment or they won’t help you at all. I called around town to a few different oncologists and received the same answer, ‘I agree with your doctor.’

Visit to the OB/GYN

I wasn’t going to give up. One way or another I was going to get that blood test. I called my OB/GYN and asked the office if she would be willing to order the blood test and MRI for me. She said that she would, so I made an appointment.

I went in for the appointment a week later, and to my dismay, she basically scolded me and told me that she had 6 other women diagnosed at the same time I was and they listened to their Oncologist and got their treatments and all of them are now done. She told me she was really worried about me and wondered why I wouldn’t just go to the chemotherapy and surgery. I just kept thinking, ‘I just want the orders. Why won’t you just give me the orders?’

She told me she wouldn’t give me the orders for the tests because then she was responsible for me as a patient and that wasn’t her expertise. So there is something really wrong with the system that scares doctors into taking responsibility for their patients. I don’t blame her, but I was pretty disappointed I wasted my time and money going into that appointment that day.

Running out of options

I was running out of options and almost decided that the black salve test was the test for me and when it stops pulling, I’ll declare myself cancer free. In that moment, when I decided to just let go, my brother and sister-in-law called. They had asked their friend, who is a holistic doctor in town, if she would order the tests for me. When she said she would, they made an appointment for me! I went into the appointment yesterday and she ordered all the blood tests I wanted and the MRI!!

The blood test

This morning, I went to the lab first thing and got the blood tests done. They took 13 vials!!

After 5 or 6 vials were pulled on the right side, I started to clot so they had to take the rest from the other side.

The nurse asked why I was getting all these unique tests done because she normally doesn’t see a test panel like this. I told her I was checking to see if I had cancer anywhere throughout my body and the different tests will let me know if what I’m doing is working or has worked. 

She told me her neighbor is fighting breast cancer and is going to tell her about these tests. I lit up inside knowing I may have helped at least one person do safe testing. You never know who’s lives you’ll touch just by being persistent in your journey and getting things done for yourself.

5 thoughts on “Blood Tests Ordered and Done!

  1. Thank you for sharing your knowledge in treating cancer naturally.
    I have breast cancer and have refused conventional treatment as I cannot kill my immune system to conform to such radical and toxic treatments which will only serve to support a corrupt medical system.

    Please give the information necessary to order the proper blood tests.

    A big hug from a fan.


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