Biopsy Results

I still haven’t heard from the doctor about the biopsy results yet, and I’m not about to go into the weekend without knowing. I just need to know. I need to know if I should start being extremely strict with my diet, more so than I already am, if I should fast, if I should start pumping my body full of supplements and continue researching more I can do to beat cancer naturally.

I called my doctor’s office first thing this morning, but had to leave a message on the nurse’s line. I was actually quite surprised they called me right back and let me know that I was on my doctor’s schedule to give me a call today. I was so relieved that I was going to know the results before going into the weekend.

Trying to get my mind off of it, I actually spent the day working and catching up. Around 2pm, I still hadn’t heard from the doctor and I knew the nurse’s line closes at 3pm, so I called again. The nurse was great and told me she would send the doctor a message to give me a call before the end of the work day.

The Phone Call

Around 4pm, my phone rang. My heart raced. I answered it and went into my master closet. I didn’t know how I was going to react and I didn’t want my kids to see me cry.

My doctor told me the biopsies came back malignant and that I needed to get scheduled with a surgeon and oncologist immediately because it wasn’t good. That is all she could tell me because she wasn’t a cancer specialist. She said she would put an order in for both of them to contact me. I thought to myself, ‘Here we go again, the waiting game for another office to call me.’ I could tell she had a hard time giving me the news. I actually felt really bad for her. I only had to hear it once, where she has to give women this news all the time.

I surprised myself and actually handled it quite well. I already pretty much knew that I had cancer, from the look on the doctor’s face that did the biopsy, so I was prepared for this news.

Telling My Family

I went out into my living room where my husband and daughter were. I told them it was positive and that is when I really had to hold back the tears because I could see they were holding back their tears.

I reassured them that I’ve got this and I’ll just starve it. I also told them that I’m learning, through all of my research, that healing myself, I will not get sick. There will be no taking care of me and I will be completely normal. None of us would ever know that I had it if I wasn’t diagnosed. I hope that gave them some comfort.

No Illness Healing Naturally

I didn’t know how much of a misconception it was, and that the medical world has lead us all to believe that if you have cancer, you will get really sick. This is only true if you elect to do the chemo and radiation treatment. Healing yourself naturally, in the early stages, you should not have any signs or symptoms of illness. I’ve ready story after story about people going through this, and some even in stage 4 that didn’t experience any symptoms. This helps me know and be confident that my family will not have to watch me suffer as I did my mom. My goal is, to be so healthy they won’t even remember I had been diagnosed with it!

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