Broke My 6 Day Fast

gold fork on top of empty white plate

I woke up at 2am with excruciating lower back pain. I knew from my previous 5 day fast back in May that my body was cleaning out some sort of toxin in that area. I thought I could hang in there one more day and do a 7 day fast, but I really didn’t feel good today. 

Daily Break Down of the 6 Day Fast

Here’s my log of how I felt and what I did during the 6 days:

Day 1

Day 1 wasn’t so bad this time. I think because I’ve cut all my sugars out, it didn’t have much to burn so I went into Ketosis faster. I could taste my nasty breath, a sign you are in ketosis, which doesn’t usually happen until late day 2 or on day 3.

I sipped water with a pinch of Himalayan salt for electrolytes every time I felt hungry. I really didn’t feel hunger this time either because I’ve been just drinking shakes and eating vegetables and that really doesn’t fill you up.

Day 1 is usually the hardest because you just want to eat all the time! I think because I have been working on emotional eating, that made today easier as well.

Day 2

Not to be graphic, but the stuff I was crapping out today!! WHOA! Definitely detoxing. I still feel fine and had lots of energy. I actually went hiking and still went swimming. I’m continuing to do ozone treatments daily, so I’m sure this helped with the energy uplift as well.

Toward the end of the day I felt a little off, a bit sweaty at night and started to have some pain down the right side of my body.

Day 3

Really detoxing today. Not feeling well at all. My friend came over to keep me company and that distraction worked! She said I looked awful, and I’m sure I did! So good note for next time, plan a distraction for day 3 so breaking fast won’t cross my mind.

Still crapping out nasty, sticky stuff. Feel nauseous. Had to keep reminding myself of the fasting benefits to push through until bedtime.

Went to bed early as a strategy to just get through day 3.

Day 4

Woke up with excruciating pain in my lower right side and hip about midnight. Cried until about 2am tossing and turning and couldn’t make it go away. Finally fell asleep, then woke up feeling much better. Day 3 is always pretty rough, but that one really knocked me out. It is really nice to have the list of fasting benefits.

Today I watched Dr. Berg’s video on how fasting kills cancer cells to remind myself that I don’t need to eat and my body is cleaning out the old and dead cells. I tell myself not to interfere with that process and allow my body to do what it naturally does throughout day 4.

A lot of meditation and visualization of my body cleaning out these cells helped me get through today as well.

Day 5

Woke up again about the same time with excruciating pain in my lower right side and hip. Cried until about 2am tossing and turning with no relief. My body is attacking and cleaning out something fierce!

Still feeling really good today except the pain on the right side. Fasting can be a bit difficult when your family is eating bacon and chocolate. But, I’ll make it through. Once I pass day 3, I can usually talk myself into going longer. The hunger pain stops, you don’t miss food, and you know that every day beyond day 3 is doing amazing things for your body!

I visualized my body creating new stem cells, as it is making those and growth hormones day 4 and beyond. I visualized my body taking these stem cells and placing them in my brain to fill in any holes I caused from eating all that sugar and processed food full of toxins that just eats away at your brain and body. I did this several times today, hoping to help with the recreating process my body is doing right now.

Day 6

I made it to day 6! Still woke up again with excruciating pain in my hip and could not get it to go away. I’ve never had this happen before so I’m thinking the cancer has definitely spread and my body is killing the cancer cells in my hip area.

Half way through the day, I started feeling weird. A little vertigo and weakness. I don’t know if that is from the lack of sleep the past 3 nights or if I needed to eat now. I muscle tested and asked my body if I should stop fasting and it said yes. Probably time for more nutrients.

Since your digestive system and gut flora is reset, what you put into your body after a fast will set the course for what your body will crave. Chose wisely!

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