2 Day Fast

I decided I was pumped full of nutrients at this point and that I needed to start fasting as long as I could. I’ve been fasting on and off since 2018 when I watched the documentary, The Science of Fasting then researched how good it was for you. Dr. Berg’s video, The MOST Important Cancer Prevention, explains how and why fasting is a good way to prevent cancer.

I started fasting but on day 2, as I was swimming in my pool, I heard a voice say, “You need to eat.” I’m not about to ignore messages or intuition right now, so I followed it. I ended up with a 24 to 25 hour fast, which, in-itself has wonderful benefits for the body.

I began researching foods to eat to prevent or kill cancer cells. I was pretty much already eating everything I had researched, but I did learn that any types of sugar including natural sugars, the body processes any sugar as sugar and it will fuel the cancer cells. I was hoping I could possibly have honey or maple syrup, to stop my sugar cravings, but the cancer cells’ fuel comes from sugar, no matter the source.

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